The hindquarter is sturdy and muscular. The hind legs are strong boned. The stifle should be sound, strong and moderately angulated and in balance with the forequarters, to support the powerful propulsion from the hindquarters during movement. The upper thighs are broad, deep and muscular as seen from the side and the rear. The lower thighs have well defined muscles and show substance down to the hocks. The metatarsus is broad, relatively short and perfectly upright. The hind feet point straight forward and are slightly larger than the front feet. Rear dewclaws, if any, are generally removed.
Hindquarters – The back is straight, broad and in proportion, with prominent back muscles and a short loin. A straight “tabletop” back is however not ideal for efficient movement, a very slight dip behind the shoulder ensuring better overall movement. The back sloping slightly toward the loin are sometimes seen in young Boerboels. The hindquarters should be firm, strong and muscular and enhance effective propulsion. The hind quarters should be free from droop or crouch. The upper and second thigh (gaskin) should also be well developed with prominent muscles.
Knee (stifle) – the knees are strong, firm and correctly angulated. The hock joints are strong and firm with correct curving (45° ) , the hocks are relatively short, strong and thick. The hocks are parallel. (Dew claws , if any are generally removed) The hind paws are slightly smaller than the front paws. They should be well padded, rounded and should point straight forward. The nails are strong, dark and short.
Tail – the tail is attached high to the body. It should be straight and is generally docked at three joints, however, long tails are also accepted.
Faults – a prominent dip behind the shoulder, a round back, and a sloping loin, is a sign of poor rib- and or back development. Loose shoulder blades are also considered a fault. A large male has a “saddle” behind his shoulder blades, and behind this “saddle” is a slight “dip”. This “saddle” consists of muscles.