Our Passion …

… is our dogs, a family owned business now in our second generation. With more than 35 years of kennel experience and selective breeding, we guarantee that our dogs are not only the best of its kind but the most probably world’s best. Our Kennel is located in Germany nearby Frankfurt/Main in the county of Hessen.

Perfect Genetics

We have a family team of experts and a lab called LABOKLIN where we do have our dogs tested. Generations of our dogs are tracked for any gene expression deviations. Love and always the best food is the key!

Extraordinary Results

Many Awards and trophies from many show’s around Europe. It’s the result of investment and many years of hard work. We are so proud!

Meet Our Champs!

Check out our dogs, before you start making an appointment. You are more than welcome to see our African Boerboels in their environment. Amazing Boerboels in an awesome area, with a huge garden and a small forest ( 10.112 qm – 2,5 acres) including 6 fishing lakes.